A downloadable game for Windows

Didn't quite make it in under the buzzer, but I'm happy with what I put together. The build version dropped a few surprise bugs on me that weren't in the editor version, like the absurd knockback on enemies or your hero's inability to swing his weapon just once.

Throw your magical 6-sided die head to wreak havoc on a hoard of developer placeholder assets. Game jams are hard, but I had fun.

WASD to move.

Left shift to dash, which allows you to go through hazards without taking damage.

Spacebar to swing your *weapon not found*

F to throw your head. The value displayed on the die is your health pool, so regardless of the potential friendly fire if you want to keep yourself healthy you're going to have to take a chance.

Escape to pause.

Known build issues - Your weapon attack will sometimes fire multiple times with a single button input. It's a bug I thought I squashed in the editor that came back in the build.


heads-will-roll-windows-beta.zip 32 MB
Version 4 Sep 21, 2022

Development log